Learning AutoCAD

PVCAD is built within AutoDesk’s AutoCAD application. Now that you have installed PVCAD and AutoCAD, you’re almost ready to get started with solar project design.


Let’s take a moment to make sure you know your way around AutoCAD. Since PVCAD functions as an extension on the AutoCAD platform, our users must have a working knowledge of AutoCAD to create solar project plan sets.


If you’re not familiar with AutoCAD or you need to brush up on the essentials, check out The Hitchhiker’s Guide to AutoCAD Basics, a handy resource that gives you a simple, self-directed tour of the most important AutoCAD concepts. Published by Autodesk, the developer of AutoCAD, the guide includes 12 sections. Click the link in the paragraph above to read the text. Or click the section headers below to access the same information in a series of short videos. (links)


Once you have covered the essential steps in AutoCAD, familiarize yourself with the one-key shortcuts and keyboard commands to toggle features, manage screens and perform various actions within the AutoCAD environment. Knowledge of these commands will help you efficiently manage workflow as you begin solar project design with PVCAD.


AutoCAD Shortcuts

AutoCAD General Documentation


  • Basics — Introducing the AutoCAD user interface and basic file commands

  • Viewing — How to pan and zoom in a drawing and control the order of overlapping objects

  • Geometry — Draw lines, circles and other geometric objects

  • Precision — Specify grid points, angles and distances for accurate, mistake-free models

  • Layers — Group objects by function or purpose to keep complex drawings organized. PVCAD generates two dozen solar project-specific layers, including system components, setbacks, shadows, wind zones and much more. Create additional layers of your own as needed.

  • Properties — Use colors, linetypes and other settings to differentiate between objects and layers

  • Modifying Part 1 & Part 2 — Edit objects and groups of objects using commands such as erase, move, trim, copy and more

  • Blocks — Combine objects to easily store them and insert them into your designs

  • Layouts — Create scaled views of a model on a two-dimensional drawing sheet

  • Notes & Labels — Insert text and leader lines and save settings in your drawing template files

  • Dimensions — Create and modify dimensions for your objects and save settings for later use

  • Printing — Output a drawing layout to a printer, plotter or digital file


PVCAD & PVCAD Mega Commands

Using the AutoCAD command input you can access numerous common and complex features of PVCAD and PVCAD Mega. Try PVCAD and PVCAD Mega commands from the list below to explore all that the software has to offer:


PVCABOUTOpens up About window
PVCACTIVATEIRONRIDGESets Iron Ridge active flag to true
PVCACTIVATEPOLARRACKINGSets Polar Racking active flag to true
PVCADDFIXEDEWTRACKERAdds new East West Fixed tables by selecting one and click and draging for PVCAD Mega
PVCADDFIXEDTRACKERAdds new Fixed Tables by selecting and existing one and click and draging for PVCAD Mega
PVCADDOBJECTTODBAllows insertion of custom modules or inverters to our DB
PVCADDPANELAdds new panels by selecting an existing one and click and dragging for PVCAD Standard
PVCADDTRACKERAdds new Trackers by selecting an existing one and click and dragging for PVCAD Mega
PVCANNUALSHADINGANALYSISCreates csv report with annual shading analysis for PVCAD Standard
PVCAPPSOpens up PVComplete Apps window
PVCAUTOELECTRICALCONNECTIONSAutomatically creates electrical connections on simple PVCAD Standard drawings
PVCCALCULATEAREACalculates array area for Ecolibrium specific layouts
PVCCASSYSSIMULATIONPerforms energy simulation with Cassys Engine
PVCCLEARDRAWINGCreates Modules, tables, trackers, strings and electrical equipment from the drawing
PVCCLICKDRAGModule layout creation with click and drag for PVCAD Standard
PVCCLICKDRAGFIXEDEWTRACKERLAYOUTCreates east west fixed tilt layout by manually clicking and dragging in PVCAD Mega
PVCCLICKDRAGFIXEDTRACKERLAYOUTCreates fixed tilt layout by manually clicking and dragging in PVCAD Mega
PVCCLICKDRAGTRACKERLAYOUTCreates Layout for Trackers by click and drag for PVCAD Mega
PVCCREATEFIXEDEWTRACKERLAYOUTCreates east west fixed tilt layout automatically in PCVAD Mega
PVCCREATEFIXEDTRACKERLAYOUTCreates fixed tilt layout automatically in PCVAD Mega
PVCCREATEFIXEDUNALIGNEDTRACKERLAYOUTCreates east west dual tilt layout automatically in PCVAD Standard
PVCCREATETRACKERLAYOUTCreates one-axis layout automatically in PVCAD Mega
PVCDALYSIMULATIONRetrieves annual energy simulation from Daly’s api for PCVAD Mega layouts
PVCDEFINECARPORTOUTLINEDefines a poly-line as a Carport Object
PVCDEFINEGROUNDMOUNTOUTLINEDefines a poly-line as a Ground Mount Object
PVCDEFINEGROUNDMOUNTROADCreates roads surrounding a ground mount area
PVCDEFINEINSTALLATIONAREADefines a poly-line as an installation area object
PVCDEFINENEXTERAGROUNDMOUNTOUTLINEDefines a poly-line as a Nextera ground mount object
PVCDEFINENEXTERAOBSTRUCTIONDefines a poly-line as a Nextera obstruction object
PVCDEFINEOBSTRUCTIONDefines a poly-line as an obstruction object
PVCDEFINEPIERSAllows users to customize pier distances in PVCAD Mega
PVCDEFINEPOINTINTERCONNECTIONDefines a poly-line as a point of interconnection object
PVCDEFINEROADCreates a straight road by selecting two points and a road width
PVCDEFINEROOFOUTLINEDefines a poly-line as a Roof Object
PVCDEFINESETBACKAllows user to define custom setbacks
PVCDEFINESTRINGSAUTOCreates strings automatically by selecting the modules in PVCAD Standard
PVCDEFINESTRINGSDIRECTIONALCreates strings directionally (east-west, west-east, north-south or south-north) in PVCAD Standard
PVCDEFINESTRINGSMANUALLYCreates strings by manually defining the path in PVCAD Standard
PVCDOLAYOUTAutomatic layout creation filing the whole roof for PVCAD Standard
PVCDRAWACCIRCUITWIRECreates wire connections between Inverters and AC Panels/Main Panels or between AC Panels and Main Panels
PVCDRAWOUTPUTCIRCUITWIRESCreates wire connections between Combiner Boxes and Inverters or between Junction Boxes and AC Panels
PVCDRAWSOURCECIRCUITWIRESCreates wire connections between Strings and Combiner Boxes/Inverters or between AC Branches and Junction Boxes/AC Panels
PVCDRIVELINESDraws drive lines in one-axis layouts in PVCAD Mega
PVCELECTRICALSUMMARYCreates excel electrical report for PVCAD Standard
PVCEXPORTBOMExports Bill of Materials to an excel document
PVCEXPORTKMLExports drawing to kml format
PVCEXPORTPIERExports to a CSV file information about all pier analysis data
PVCGCRCORRECTIONFIXEDOptimizes row spacing in fixed tilt layouts in PVCAD Mega to minimize self shading
PVCGENERATESHADINGREPORTGenerates a shading report
PVCHEATMAPRetrieves relative shading from Daly’s API for PVCAD Mega layouts
PVCHELPOpens up Help dialog
PVCIMPORTDWGGeneric command to import a drawing from the webapps (PVSketch Mega or NextEra Mega)
PVCIMPORTFROMPVMEGAImports PVSketch Mega projects onto PVCAD Mega
PVCIMPORTFROMPVSKETCHImports PVSketch projects onto PVCAD Standard
PVCIMPORTONDFILEUploads inverter ond file
PVCIMPORTPANFILEUploads module pan file
PVCIMPORTTOPODATAImports topography from Google’s API into PVCAD Mega projects
PVCINSERTACMAINCIRCUITSHEETCreates AC Main Circuit table for Single Line Diagram in PVCAD Standard
PVCINSERTACPANELInserts an AC Panel in the drawing
PVCINSERTACSOURCECIRCUITSHEETCreates AC Source Circuit table for Single Line Diagram in PVCAD Standard
PVCINSERTCOMBINERBOXInserts a combiner box in the drawing
PVCINSERTDCOUTPUTSHEETCreates DC Output properties table for Single Line Diagram in PVCAD Standard
PVCINSERTDCSOURCESHEETCreates DC Source properties table for Single Line Diagram in PVCAD Standard
PVCINSERTINSTALLATIONAREASCreates installations areas automatically on ground mount areas in PVCAD Mega
PVCINSERTINVERTERInserts an inverter in the drawing
PVCINSERTINVERTERSHEETCreates Inverter properties table for Single Line Diagram in PVCAD Standard
PVCINSERTJUNCTIONBOXInserts a junction box in the drawing
PVCINSERTMAINPANELInserts a Main Panel in the drawing
PVCINSERTMFRBLOCKSInserts manufacturer specific blocks on to module layout in PVCAD Standard
PVCINSERTMODULESHEETCreates Module properties table for Single Line Diagram in PVCAD Standard
PVCINSERTOUTPUTCIRCUITSHEETCreates Output Circuit table for Single Line Diagram in PVCAD Standard
PVCINSERTRACKINGSHEETCreates Racking properties table for Single Line Diagram in PVCAD Standard
PVCINSERTSHEETSETCreates properties tables for Single Line Diagram in PVCAD Standard
PVCINSERTSYSTEMSHEETCreates System properties table for Single Line Diagram in PVCAD Standard
PVCINSERTTRACKERMFRBLOCKSInserts manufacturer specific blocks to trackers in PVCAD Mega
PVCINSERTTRANSFORMEROUTPUTCIRCUITSHEETCreates Transformer Output Circuit table for Single Line Diagram in PVCAD Standard
PVCKMLLoads location using a kml or kmz file
PVCLAYERMoves trackers to specific layers in Array Technologies according to wind exposure
PVCLOADCONFIGLoads from the saved text file the user configurations to the mechanical layout tab
PVCLOADPROJECTPROPERTIESallows user to load project properties from an excel file
PVCMODIFYSETBACKAllows user to alter custom setbacks
PVCNEPVXTSets Nextracker active flag to true
PVCNEVADOSCustom command to allow specification of custom sized tracker for Nevados
PVCNEWDESIGNVERSIONCreates a new drawing version
PVCOMITMODULESOmmits selected modules on PVCAD Standard
PVCPIERHEIGHTSPerforms pier analysis in ground mount layouts. Places piers, elevates trackers to topography and rotates them to the land slope.
PVCPIERPLANGenerates Pier plan drawing
PVCPIERTYPEUpdates tracker properties for Array Technologies and for Nextera according to wind exposure
PVCPLOTPDFExports drawing to PDF (used in PVSketch mega and nextera export to pdf api)
PVCPROPSAllows user to set tracker properties
PVCPVSYSTExports drawing to PVSyst
PVCREGENRegenerates module attachments for PVCAD Standard
PVCREMOVEDESIGNVERSIONRemoves a drawing version
PVCREMOVESTRINGSremoves selected strings
PVCRENAMEDESIGNVERSIONRenames a drawing version
PVCREPLACEBLOCKAllow for block swapping
PVCREPOSITIONDRAWINGAutomatically repositions drawing closer to drawing origin
PVCRESETUnlocks documents that was saved in standard mode or in utility scale mode
PVCRESTOREMODULESRestores omitted modules for PVCAD Standard
PVCROWCOUNTSummarizes module count per rows on an excel file for PVCAD Standard
PVCRUNSIMULATIONCreates energy simulation in an excel template
PVCSAVECONFIGSaves in a text file all user configurations on mechanical layout tab
PVCSELECTTOPOSOURCEAllows switching between topo sources using a command
PVCSETIMAGESVISIBILITYmoves images in the ImageryLayer layer to the bottom (Background)
PVCSETLINEWEIGHTTOZEROSets selected polyline objects to a zero line weight
PVCSETTINGSOpens up settings window
PVCSETUNITSAllows drawing units change in a simple command
PVCSLDCreates a Single Line Diagram for the electrical connections on the drawing for PVCAD Standard
PVCSNAPAZIMUTHAutomatically snaps azimuth to edge on sloped roofs in PVCAD Standard
PVCSWITCHTABAllows switching between tabs using a command
PVCTORQUEPLANGenerates Torque Tube plan drawing
PVCTORTUGASets Array Technologies active flag to true
PVCUNDEFINEOBJECTUndefines a previously defined object
PVCUNDEFINESETBACKRemoves custom setbacks